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Taking photo's

Before i took my photo's i planned each outfit for the models.
Set 1:

This outfit also included a red faux fur trapper hat and 'geek' glasses. I used the accessories to create texture and appeal to the outfit and make the dress look less feminine. I also used the boots in every outfit to keep the outfit on-trend and exciting.
This outfit was another take on vamping up a simple red cocktail dress. i used a big purple scarf which created texture (and warmth) to the outfit, as well as military boots (as before) and fish net tights to create an elememt of "sex appeal".

Set 2:
This outfit was very much about bringing a 'cute' accent to the band, while still giving it a hard edge by using the boots and lots of lace.

As before, this outfit was about bringing out the cute side of the band, however i made it a bit more 'sexy' by using the ripped leggings, crop top and boots, however i also used a lot of lace in this outfit which tied it in with the other model and made them seem more equal.

Set 3:

The last two outfits were more about the provocative side of the band and give a "morning after" look, which hints at their feisty personalities and the music of the band.