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Masthead font and name possibilities

I started off with a few name possibilities; I didn’t want the name to be focused heavily on music because I liked the idea of incorporating fashion and music together. My ideas were:
In the mix, belief, time, beat, tempo, melody, melody and genuine.
But I finally narrowed it down to ‘Subdivision’ and ‘Beyond enough’. I then used the website, to choose relevant fonts for my mast head and it came down to two.

In the end I decided to go with the capitals and an almost scribbly block 'colour' because it was more edgy and mature. I then decided on the name “subdivision” because it wasn’t too music orientated but also gave a current feel to the magazine and applied to my potential audience. I also felt that ‘beyond enough’ wasn’t quite relevant enough, so I decided to use this as a bands name inside the magazine instead.
While looking for a font for my masthead, i also used as a source to find a good logo for my headline band, Darcie's doll's, i narrowed it down to 3 possible options, of which two were very girly and curly.
In the end i decided on a more diverse version, which also incorporated an image of a doll instead of the word. I think this makes the band a bit more unique and the little heart above the 'i' creates a feminine touch.